These meditations are ideal when you need a top-up and a good dose of kind vibes…
Self-love (11 mins): Parenting is beautiful and rewarding, but it is hard work - even on the best of days. So topping up our self-love when things get rough, is really important. Kids lean on us, and it’s important for us mums to have something to lean on too…top up your self-love with this guided mindful meditation
I heart you & me (10 mins): Tap into the love and connection in your life and shine it back into you.
I am enough (10 mins): We live in a world where opportunities for comparison are endless. So it’s no surprise that as mums we can feel like we’re not doing a good enough job and that other mums seem to be doing it so much better! This meditation is all about helping us to shift our attention into the positive aspects of ourselves and our lives so you can build a bridge towards a place of more kindness.
Self-compassion (9 mins): give yourself a big dose of self-love. This practice is a great tool for navigating feelings and being kind to your mind.
Body appreciation (13 mins): Saying “thank you” to your body is one of the most important things you can do for self-love and wellness. It’s not a habit that comes naturally to many of us so approach this session with kindness and curiosity.