
Wouldn't it be great if we could aspire just to be present, instead of perfect? Learn the art of awareness….


Breathe & come back (9 mins): Relax into your body and gently bring your mind back to the breath as it wanders.

Body scan (9 mins): A great one for moving out of your head and into your body to give your mind a break.

Outside - In (8 mins): Taking in our surroundings, our breath and soaking up some love stuff - all in one!

Calming the body (9 mins): When our minds get agitated, stressed or anxious, the body often follows suit. Luckily, the relationship between mind and body is a two-way street. As you calm the body, the mind will likewise relax. Take this guided mindful meditation anytime you need to dial down stress, release tension or when you need to press the re-set button on your headspace.